Ideas for A-Thon Fundraisers

You can choose almost any activity for an A-Thon fundraiser and participate from anywhere around the globe! Your school can reach an exponential number of donors since participants contact family, friends, and coworkers through social media, emails, text, etc… Because participants are doing some type of activity for the donation, most people are happy to support your cause. A good A-Thon fundraiser needs to be easy to plan, participate in, and donate to.

We believe in keeping things simple. Choosing our “donation only” A-Thon works best letting donors support your cause instantly with a quick online payment method. 


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Organize a jog-a-thon where participants raise funds by asking family and friends for a flat donation for their effort. Students jog around a track or pre-set course on campus. Customize it around Halloween or during the Holiday season by having
participants dress up!


Organize a walkathon where participants raise funds by asking family and friends for a flat donation for their effort and can be done on campus. Everyone can participate and no equipment is needed. (wheelchair restricted students can be helped along)  


Organize a dance-a-thon where participants raise funds by asking family and friends for a flat donation for their dancing effort. Do it one evening, hire a DJ to make it more appealing. A fun night for all and can be done on campus. Jr. High / High School fundraiser.


Organize a read-a-thon where participants raise funds by asking family and friends for a flat donation for their effort. This is the most popular when it comes to support and can be done on and off campus.


Organize a swim-a-thon where participants raise funds by asking family and friends for a flat donation for their effort.  Need a pool and lifeguards and most likely parent release forms.


Great for large music programs that can put on a concert for an extended period of time or 2-3 nights in a row.


This jump rope –a-thon keeps participants active and kids love to show off their skills. You do need 30-50 jump ropes and can have each class take turns.